Apologies for the delay in posting, it’s been a busy week. But, this week on Flock Talk, Thomas and Brad welcome a VERY special guest: ME! We get into some personal history about me, the background and inner workings of flockers.net, and future plans. We also talk about the recent Vegas shows opening for moe., including a little discussion about whether Pigeons should still be doing opening shows.
The exciting news this week, though, is the announcement of FLOCK MADNESS. Flock Talk and flockers.net are partnering up to bring you a tournament bracket of Pigeons songs. Which song will come out on top? Which matchups will be the most contentious (and maybe controversial)? Look for an announcement from Brad very soon about when voting starts! There may even be some prizes involved, so you won’t want to miss out!
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Thanks again to Brad and Thomas for having me on the show! We look forward to continued collaboration!