Pin Announcement!

We’re so proud to announce the release of our first pin! Check out the details below, hope to see you Sunday at 7 in the Coop!

** Drops Sunday 5/12 7PM EDT in The Pigeon Coop **

Pin Details:

2019 Logo Pin
1.5” / Color – LE100 / Black & White – LE25
Designed by Eric Slacktish / Produced by Mathew Capron
Prices: SET – $30 / COLOR SINGLES – $18
The Black & White variants will only be sold with the 2pc set.
There will be a total of 15 sets and 75 singles of the color variant available at drop.

The Story:

Our goal is simply to cover the costs of our website. Any excess profit from this pin will be donated to LMK, Grateful Dad’s suicide prevention charity.

We hope that we can do more fundraisers in the future. We have some more pin ideas, and there may be some special funk meters coming 🙂
We’re 100% committed to the Flock, and are not ever looking to profit. I do not, and will not ever, have ads, and I plan on keeping it that way.

Huge special thanks to Mathew Capron for helping us with this! He’s been extremely helpful throughout the whole process, we definitely could not have done this without his assistance. Check out his site at

And of course HUGE thanks to everyone here! We wouldn’t still be doing this if not for the love and encouragement of the Flock!